05 May 2010

A Ship in the Harbor is Safe but that's not why ships are built

Conception on this article is Exploring. We often try to get lot of Backlogs in our day to day life, Screwing boss, irritating customers, ineffective subordinates and lot of frustrations in the common place. All our thoughts are inclined towards tacking revenge against boss, not responding to customers and so on. Apparently well-known result is loss of customers or sometimes job.

We look on the one side of the problem.


Think about few individuals who changed radical phase of approach to problem solving.

Henry Ford stuck with inability to produce mass T model car found out assembly line balancing. A revolutionary concept in industrialization. It transformed production into mass production. He never looks at the problem rather he looked at the solution.

Same example can be quoted in local context, Mr.Chinnasamy, seeing there is lack of fresh and varieties of fruit shops in coimbatore started "Pazhamudir Nizhayam" at a small level. With his persistence and entrepreneurial skills it now stood as a big chain of fruit shop. Think about the perception of them.

There is a common point in Henry Ford’s View and Mr.Chinnasamy’s view. That is Oppurtunity. It doesn’t comes with thinking about the solution, requires deep understanding of business and needs of the customers.


Most of us, irrespective of any demographic factors look at the problems and defend ourselves from rest of the crowd. We should change our view ie., Paradigm Shift. Change your view – never give chance to your boss to screw you, never sell a product without telling complete information.


Because all our day to day habits which make our behaviour, our character. Create a desire to bring positive results among all the odds. Learn all possible factors in your area of work. Build a specialised knowledge. Only then, you can find a new idea, method or process.

Positive stimulus creates lateral response. Good work in job bring appraisal from organisation. Here stimulus is getting nice career path and response is best performance.

n Choose your field of interest, irrespective of your Educational Qualification.

n Educational Qualification can give you an edge, but it need not be the sole criterion for selecting your field.

Irrespective of all odds, have an exploring mind which infiltrates in any issues and find solution for problems. Search for new things, new methods, new ideas and develop a prototype using it and implement it.

Often we forgot to see the other side of the coin, thats opportunity.

A small change is tilting your view!!

Look at Opportunities!!

Every problem is an Oppurtunity!!

Explore them as said

"A Ship in the Harbor is Safe but that's not why ships are built"

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