26 April 2011

Do Money is Motivation for Work

Herzberg's theory of Motivators and Hygiene factors( satisfiers) suggests that there are certain things that we need to do the job and if they fall below a certain level we will become dissatisfied - but increasing those factors will not encourage us to work harder or better - in fact there is clear evidence to show that above a certain level they result in reduced performance. For example if the temperature is too cold we stop working - when the temperature is comfortable we work efficiently - but if it gets too hot, then our efficiency drops - the same with money. Too little and we are reluctant to work - increasing money may initially encourage us to work harder - especially if the money is output related - but their is a great deal of evidence that once a person is earning enough to meet their needs they tend to seek to work less and have more free time.

Examples of Herzberg's satisfiers are

relationship with supervisor
work conditions
company car
relationship with subordinates
personal life

Herzberg's research indicated the following to be true motivators

work itself

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